Intuitive Awakenings
Intuitive Awakenings
₱4,500.00 – ₱6,500.00
The Mysterium community has been a guide, friends and mentors to hundreds of people around the Philippines and around the world. Through this organization we have created an environment which aims to Nurture, develop and Empower the next generation of intuitive practitioners and leaders around the globe.
Ever since its inception in 2008 Mysterium Philippines has had the aim of given quality and affordable intuitive education to people from all walks of life through its best selling INTUITIVE AWAKENINGS PROGRAM
The Intuitive Awakenings program is a Intensive learning experience that aims to give its attendees a deeper understanding of their own personalised gift of intuitive through Theoretical and practical methods which will help each participant discover and focus their own intuitive gifts on a deeper level
AS there have been so many texts and methods of practicing and learning ones intuitive gifts the INTUITIVE AWAKENINGS program has been synthesised in a way where the most essential methods of practice and learning are imparted to all attendees throughout the course with the aim of teaching the students primarily how to CONTROL any intuitive gifts they discover and activate them or de-activate them as needed.
The Intensive course is broken down into two parts The theoretical segment and the practical segment which we will discuss as follows
The Theoretical part of the program consists of the first 20% of the intensive as a whole for within having the students understand the basics of how the intuitive mind works they would not fully have a grasp on how to activate their intuitive talents at will.
Within the first hour the Students will be instructed on
A) The meaning of the Word “Intuition” and how it connects to the word Psychic
B.)The difference between the Rational Mind and the intuitive Mind and how each processes information differently
C) The 4 Basic Brainwave levels and how they affect what is called “The Intuitive State”
After the participants have been instructed on these essential theories this Segment is concluded with a hands on instruction with how to go into what we call “The Intuitive State” at will
Once the students have in competently learned these essential methods the course will then move towards practical methods of understanding HOW their Intuitive Gifts manifest.
Lessons will include but not be limited to
A) how to use the Pendulum to connect to The Unconscious Mind
The Chakras, Their alignment and their Role in the Intuitive Experience
C) How to Use the pendulum to Scan the alignment of the Chakras
D) How to enter the intuitive state to scan the emotions and energies of others
E) How to use tools like the Scrying Mirror of Crystal to enhance intuitive readings
F) How to scan Objects and Places using the Intuitive Scanning Method
G) How to scan places of their energetic resonances
H) How to protect once from unwanted intuitive energies and experiences
I) Shamanic Vision Walking with the use of Drums and Discovering One’s Shamanic Power Animal
J) The act fo Intuitive Scrying as a group
K) Communing with Astral and Unseen entities through the intuitive state
L) Grounding and Intuitive self defence
Although this i just a basic curriculum of what we discuss during the intuitive awakenings course it has been observed that more information can be discussed depending on the needs and experience of the class as a whole

(+63) 916 551 1824

(+63) 916 551 1824
Unit M-5 Burgundy Plac Condominium Complex B-Gonzales Street Loyala Heights, Quezon City, Philippines